Postgraduate Diploma in
Teaching & Learning
Veritas University College

Semester 1
Educational Philosophy
This module explores the principles and concepts on the philosophy of education. It covers social and cultural theories, philosophy as an approach to the scholarship of teaching-learning, epistemology in curriculum and the basis of ethical practices. You will be able to develop teaching philosophy personal to your beliefs, ethics and professional practice.
Educational Psychology
This module explores the fundamental principles and concepts of educational psychology, focusing on three main schools of thought - behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism. These three approaches provide a more comprehensive view of how teaching and learning can take place effectively. This module also explores the role of motivation in learning and individual learning differences.
Educational Sociology
The fundamental concepts of educational sociology are explored to ensure you are able to identify and assess the role of educational institutions as agents of reformation and the role of teachers as agents of change. You will also learn aspects that make for good education including socialisation, inequality and gender differences in schools, higher education and society in general.
Semester 2
Learning and Cognition
This module focuses on developing your understanding on the key concepts and principles in learning and cognition. You will be guided to focus on the various learning theories and strategies of learning and teaching, giving due consideration to the content to be taught, learner differences and styles of learning.
Curriculum Development
This module explores the various definitions of curriculum and discusses how philosophical beliefs, psychological perspectives, societal demands and the legacy of history affect curriculum. Curriculum development, along with discussions on issues and future trends, is also explored.
Measurement and Evaluation in Education
This module introduces the differences between testing, measurement and assessment. The focus is on the purpose of the assessment - ‘why assess’ followed by discussion on ‘what to assess’. Next, the ‘how’ of assessment is considered, with emphasis on the various techniques teachers can adopt. Various assessment techniques are utilised for this module and the effectiveness of these assessment approaches are then tested.
Elective Modules
Web Based Learning
Key concepts and principles of utilising web-based learning in the scholarship of teaching and learning are explored. This module highlights a range of web-based learning tools that can be used to improve classroom instruction, assessment and curriculum delivery in general. You will also be guided to propose a suitable web-based learning design to improve quality of instruction.
Critical Reflection in Education
This module highlights the need for reflexivity and critical reflection in the scholarship of teaching and learning. You will be exposed to the fundamentals of how to construct various types of knowledge. The notions of self and subjectivity in professional development and lifelong learning are also explored. The module also delves into contemporary topics of critical reflection in education.
Action Research
This module addresses concepts associated with action research and the processes and procedures for conducting action research. You will also be exposed to fundamental research techniques in problem identification, data collection and data analysis leading to the development of an action research plan as part of the assessment component.
Semester 3
Professional Practice
You will be required to complete a minimum 6 weeks of teaching practice in schools and/or educational institutions. This component allows you to gain the required practical experience in applying your knowledge from this programme. This practicum develops in-depth understanding and application of ICT and teaching skills pertaining to assessment, curriculum and instruction.