Much To-Do:

The Importance of To-Do Lists!

person writing bucket list on book

We’ve all had those days. You know- those days. Days where we’re running around in “headless chicken” mode, desperately trying to catch up with our tasks and chores, like an overworked K-Drama heroine- only to discover that we’ve left a few (or worse, a dozen) tasks incomplete. Yeah; those days.

And as funny as it may be to hear about it or see it play out onscreen, it is a very, very different matter when you realise you have a lot of tasks left undone- and multiple looming deadlines (not to mention irate bosses/ teachers/ professors/ parents).

So what can be done to avoid this?

people sitting on chair with brown wooden table
grey and black pen on calendar book

Simple- prep a to-do list!

Oh come on!” we hear you say. “Been there, done that!” Yes, yes, you may have tried using to-do lists to keep track of your tasks prior to this, but...

  1. Were you been consistent about it?
  2. Did you organise it using a method that actually worked for you? And, most importantly;
  3. Did you plan out your list realistically?

Using to-do lists and using them effectively can make all the difference between being organised versus being overwhelmed.

Here’s how to get started: