
a person stacking coins on top of a table

The study of economics provides an excellent background for careers in business, government and private sectors. The study of economics develops both quantitative and analytical skills
which are in demand and applicable to many careers. Economics can be combined with many other business specialisations to secure a dual major at the undergraduate level. Almost every large corporation and medium-sized firms hire economists to assist in pricing
decisions, to evaluate the impact of government regulations and to forecast supply and demand conditions pertinent to effective business enterprise. Furthermore, senior executives in many large corporations have backgrounds in economics and small businesses started by economists are always among the most successful.

Job Description:

  • Advising on the suitability of alternative courses of action and the allocation of scarce resources
  • Analysing data to test the effectiveness of current policies, products or services
  • Creating and using various econometric modelling techniques to develop forecasts
  • Devising methods and procedures for obtaining data
  • Evaluating past and present economic issues and trends
  • Explaining research methodology and justifying conclusions drawn from
    research data
  • Providing economic advice to a range of stakeholders
  • Writing various technical and non-technical reports on economic trends and forecasts
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Career Paths:

  • Business Analyst
  • Chief Executive Officer
  • Corporate Controller
  • Econometricians
  • Economic Analyst
  • Entrepreneur
  • Executive Director
  • Financial Analyst
  • Industrial Organisation Economist
  • Insurance Broker
  • International Economist
  • Investment Banker
  • Professor
  • Program Analyst
  • Revenue Agent
  • Statistician
  • Trade Specialist
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Specific Skill Set Required:

  • A creative and strategic thinker
  • An analytic thinker
  • Attention to details
  • Desire to collaborate
  • Enterprising
  • Goal oriented
  • Good with numbers
  • Highly organised
  • Strong math skills
  • The ability to focus
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