BSc (Honours) in Psychology (ODL)
Veritas University College

Year 1
Learning Skills for Online Distance Learning
This module aims to provide you an in-depth exploration of the essential theories and principles associated with learning skills in the context of online distance learning. It dives deep into the intricate world of applying effective learning strategies and techniques tailored for the virtual classroom environment, with a focus on enhancing your abilities to thrive in online learning spaces.
History and Philosophy of Psychology
This module provides you with a broad and eclectic view of the history and philosophy of psychology. It focuses on the philosophical and psychological issues and scientific explanations of the discipline. It surveys a selection of interesting and influential events, people, and ideas and uses these as a focus to critically examine issues that directly and indirectly shape the discipline as it is practiced today.
Introduction to Psychology
This module provides an introduction to the concepts and theories of psychology and to their application to real life situations. Topics include history, research methods, sensation, perception, consciousness, stress and coping, learning, memory, motivation and emotions.
Psychology of Learning
This module is designed to get an overview of the physiological, social and cognitive developmental stages that are associated with adulthood and aging. You are provided an accurate overview of the psychological changes that people experience as they grow older. This includes identifying specific types of psychological changes and examining the dynamic forces that underlie and produce change.
Social Psychology
This module provides fundamental knowledge of the science of social psychology. It introduces you to the study of social interaction and influence. Concepts and assumptions underpinning theories of social phenomena are discussed and analysed. This module provides an introduction to the study of how people think, feel and behave in social contexts. The focus is on social behaviour and thought from the individual’s perspective, with the importance of social influence and situational factors being emphasised.
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
This module will provide an Introduction to Industrial and Organisational Psychology, a scientific discipline that studies human behaviour in the workplace. Organisational psychologists help institutions hire, manage, develop, support employees and align employee efforts with business needs. Their work contributes to outcomes such as better talent to achieve the strategic goals of the organisation, reduced turnover, increased productivity, and improved employee engagement.
Professional Ethics
This module is intended to provide you with the ability to analyse ethical situations within a specific profession such as health care, business, and public administration. It introduces fundamental knowledge on the significance of ethics as applied in professional contexts.
Organisational Behaviour
This module involves the study of how, why and what people think and do in organisations. Different aspects of an organisation may have an impact on thinking and doing such as the level of the individual employee (e.g. personality, motivation, decision-making), the group level (e.g. types of groups, group processes, leadership), and the organization as a whole (e.g. structure, culture, procedures).
Cognitive Psychology
This module is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of topics related to the information-processing mechanisms of the mind, including consciousness, perception, attention, memory, conceptual knowledge, and emotions. Special emphasis will be placed on biases in judgment and economic decision-making. This course is an important beginning stage in the development of the students’ skills in Cognitive Psychology.
Abnormal Psychology
This module provides an examination of the various psychological disorders, as well as theoretical, clinical, and experimental perspectives of the study of psychopathology. Emphasis is placed on terminology, classification, aetiology, assessment, and treatment of the major disorders.
Computer Application
This module serves as a comprehensive exploration of computer applications, providing you with a solid foundation in the theories and principles that underpin the dynamic world of technology. Focused on fostering digital literacy and practical skills, the module aims to empower you to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and proficiency.
Academic Writing
This module is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the theories and principles that underpin effective academic writing. Focused on cultivating essential skills for scholarly communication, the module aims to empower you to express complex ideas with clarity and precision across various academic disciplines.
Year 2
Introduction to Clinical Psychology
This module will expose you to the science and practice of Clinical Psychology. You will learn about the clinical characteristics of many major classes of psychiatric disorders, and the scientifically validated treatments available for these conditions.
Child Psychology
This module provides you with a greater knowledge of human development through the study of the growth, maturation, and behavior of children. Topics include prenatal development, infancy, language development, intelligence, emotional and moral development, self and gender development, and more.
Adolescent Psychology
This module focuses on the scientific study of the biological, psychological, cognitive, emotional, personality, and social changes that occur during adolescence; includes the effects of heredity and culture, major theories, moral development, gender role issues, sexuality, and family relationship issues.
Introduction to Counselling
This module is designed to provide an opportunity for the development of counselling skills and improved interpersonal relationships through the exchange of ideas, feelings and attitudes. Through interaction and experiential learning activities, you will develop a working knowledge of counselling and interviewing skills, and procedures.
Psychology of Adults and Old Age
This module offers a comprehensive exploration of the psychological theories and principles related to the adult and aging stages of the lifespan. You will delve into the intricate dynamics of human development, focusing on the unique challenges, experiences, and transformations that characterize adulthood and old age.
Introduction to Health Psychology
This module is designed to introduce the basic concepts of Health Psychology. You will be introduced to different medical disorders and diseases and the implications for the psychological health and impact on psychological functioning of individuals with these disorders.
Psychological Tests and Measurement
This module will cover the basic principles, research, and theories on testing and measurement of psychological constructs. It is expected that you complete the course with knowledge of various techniques for psychological testing; a familiarity of several professionally developed tests; the ability to develop, administer, and interpret certain tests; and knowledge of measurement theory which includes reliability and validity.
Principles of Cognition and Behaviour Modification
This module focuses on the study of the principles of conditioning and learning as applied to practical approaches of behaviour management and change. Special attention will be given to behaviour change in institutional and personal settings. Self-regulation and cognitive-behavioural techniques will also be discussed.
Introduction to Statistics
This introductory module in statistics is designed to provide you with the basic concepts of data analysis and statistical computing. Topics covered include basic descriptive measures, measures of association, probability theory, confidence intervals, and hypothesis testing. The main objective is to provide you with pragmatic tools for assessing statistical claims and conducting their own statistical analyses.
Year 3
Cross Cultural Psychology
This module will examine a range of topics at the intersection of culture and psychology. Throughout the semester, we will explore, examine, and better understand how culture influences our lives and the lives of others across the world.
This module will draw from major theories in personality psychology, as well as current empirical research on individual differences and personality development, including work in genetics, psychobiology, evolutionary psychology, emotions, traits, motivation, social learning theory, and attachment theory. This course is also designed to provide a general overview of the psychology of human personality, including theories about personality development, personality assessment, gender and personality, and cultural contributions to personality.
Industrial Training
Industrial training is an essential component in the development of the practical skills required by a student prior to graduation. It is also an aspect of education that integrates knowledge with planned and supervised career-related work experience processes. This module will develop sand strengthen your knowledge and skills preparation.
Project Paper 1 & 2
This module helps you apply the knowledge and skills acquired from the various module attended in the program, in particular, approaches to literature review, content knowledge, and academic writing and research skills. This module also assists you in developing their project management skills and research writing skills.
Social Deviance
This module is an examination of selected behaviours and beliefs that counter the culturally accepted norms and violate social expectations. The social construction of deviance from time, place and context will be analysed using various theoretical perspectives. Topics discussed will include many that are currently controversial and at variance with some other cultures.
Research of Methodology in Psychology
This module is an important beginning stage in the development of the students’ knowledge in research in psychology. Mastery of the knowledge and skills are important for evidence- based decision making.
Professional Ethics
This module is intended to provide students with the ability to analyse ethical situations within a specific profession such as health care, business, and public administration. It introduces fundamental knowledge on the significance of ethics as applied in professional contexts.
MPU Subjects
Community Service
This module explores community involvement projects, proposal preparation, and effective project characteristics. It uses interactive classes, group discussions, experiential learning, and volunteerism to teach values, ethics, leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility.
Philosophy and Current Issues
This module aims to teach you about the ethics and civilisation in Malaysia's diverse society, focusing on its historical evolution from pre-colonial to post-colonial times. It emphasises the importance of understanding these concepts in a diverse society, fostering national unity and integrating them into academic activities. This module also highlights the role of globalisation and information technology in shaping national unity. It uses High Impact Education Practices (HIEPs) to deepen understanding and address challenges in sustaining ethics and civilisation in Malaysia.
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation (Malaysian Students)
This module will expose you to the dynamics of the concept of ethics and civilisation which are the strength for the formation of the Malaysian nation based on the time module of its historical evolution from the pre-colonial to the post-colonial era.
Malay Communication 2 (International Students)
This module provides a comprehensive exploration of the theories and principles underpinning effective communication in the Malay language. You will delve into the intricacies of Malay communication, focusing on both verbal and written expression, with an emphasis on fostering clear, culturally sensitive, and impactful communication.