BA (Hons) Media, Culture & Communication
University of Sunderland

Year 1
Introduction to Media and Cultural Studies
The module provides an introduction to key concepts, approaches and debates in Media and Cultural Studies. These include 'ideology', 'culture', 'popular', 'meaning' and 'pleasure'. You will also explore concepts and approaches in relation to a wide range of media forms including music, television, film and social media.
Media Histories
This module traces the evolution of media from the print industries all the way through to television industries. You will look at developments in terms of technological and institutional shifts relating to digital and online technology, multi-platform delivery and consumption. Focusing on British mass media, making comparison to other mass media models elsewhere (such as the USA), key historical moments, the formation and development of media institutions, ownership, media regulation and audience consumption and practices are carefully analysed, and attention is paid to the relationships of broadcasting and other mass media.
Introduction to Digital Media Culture
This is an introduction to the study of digital media culture (also known as Internet Studies), historically referred to as the study of cyber culture or ‘new media’. Understand the historical overview of pertinent technological developments, and examine case studies addressing various digital media phenomena such as cybercrime, piracy, digital publishing, online gaming and social networking.
The Making of Popular Culture
Students will be exploring the development of the culture industries of stage melodrama, Christmas, music hall, the seaside holiday, popular fiction and association football. This module will also examine the transition from rural to urban culture and the institutionalisation of the distinction between elite and popular culture, including the development of opera from popular culture to art.
Year 2
Media Studies 1
This module will consider factual output encompassing news, current affairs, investigative reporting, documentaries and discussion shows. It will also examine the interplay between the media, its audiences and wider society. A holistic approach to tackling the practices and policies that inform the production and consumption of factual media output will be central to this module.
Academic Research Skills
This module primarily prepares students to undertake the dissertation project at level three. It offers students the guidance to formulate a research question and undertake a critical review. They will then have the opportunity to expand their knowledge of research methodologies.
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture 1
You will examine different theoretical approaches and traditions involved in the study of popular culture, and analyse texts and practices of popular cultures. Lectures and discussions focus on a particular theory and present a particular methodology for the actual study of popular culture. Using relevant examples such as popular music, advertising, film, television, and consumption (shopping, football and fan culture) this module introduces the most influential approaches to the study of popular culture including Marxism(s), psychoanalysis, postmodernism, feminism, and queer theory, among others.
Digital Image Making
You will develop technical skills and creative approaches to 2D and 3D image making. This will allow you to visualise your creative ideas for adverts and at the same time develop industry standard software skills. This module requires you to explore creative image making by using traditional processes and new technology. You are expected to acquire the technical skills and experiences necessary to complete the assignments set. This is achieved through studio-based workshops; software training and self directed study, including key industry software like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop and Maya.
Motion Graphics 1
This module introduces you to the approaches and techniques appropriate to the creation of moving graphics. Through taught workshops, you will learn the theory and practice of designing, planning, editing and creating time-based, or 'motion' graphics. You will be introduced to the visual language of the time-based media and use a range of industry-standard software in order to communicate their designs and ideas using this language.
Researching Media in Everyday Lives
Lectures and seminars will focus on selected examples of published academic research, in which reflections have been offered on the uses of a range of media (for instance, television, books, magazines, the internet and mobile phones). Close attention will be paid to issues of theory and method, as well as to empirical research findings concerning media in everyday lives.
Year 3
Media Studies 2
This module involves an examination of contemporary advertising in terms of its textual structures, branding, reliance on celebrity and the pleasures that it offers to consumers. Followed by the detailed analysis of TV drama texts – we explore the idea of ‘quality television’, how that might play into various discourses around nationality, gender, sexuality, race and class and raising important questions of ideology, power and identity.
Cultural Theory and Popular Culture (2)
This module builds on the theoretical work of MAC202 (Cultural Theory and Popular Culture 1). You are required to produce an essay informed by independent research and employing the theoretical approaches discussed in MAC202.
Dissertation and Research Methods A
This module allows you to build on skills and knowledge gained at second level, and apply them to a portfolio of original work using a wider range of journalistic styles. The emphasis will be on a convergent approach to newsgathering whereby you combine traditional and digital methods of reporting.
Dissertation and Research Methods B
This module allows you to build on skills and knowledge gained at second level and apply them to a portfolio of original work using a wider range of journalistic styles. The emphasis will be on a convergent approach to newsgathering whereby you combine traditional and digital methods of reporting.
In-company Practical Training
This module helps you develop strategies which will extend and apply your learning beyond the classroom. You will realise that the in-company training is not simply work experience but a strategy of applied learning.
Year 1
Introduction to PR Theory and Practice (1)
You are given an introduction to the theory and practice of public relations, enabling you to position PR within a business context. This module traces the emergence and development of PR through analysis of case studies and theoretical models.
Introduction to PR Theory and Practice (2)
This module aims to introduce you to theoretical and developmental underpinnings, basic understanding and range of technical skills needed to develop ideas and concepts in Public Relations practice. You will learn how to think, analyse, research and plan for PR work such as campaigns within a business context.
Essential Journalism
This module offers an in-depth introduction to the role of the journalist and the range of practical skills needed to produce news, magazine and sports content including research, newsgathering, interviewing, copy presentation and writing style.
Introduction to Media Photography
This module introduces you to the skills required for photography in print and online media. You will learn how to identify suitable subjects for media photographs, the basic elements of composition, and the considerations involved in making photographs.
Introduction to Video Production
This module introduces you to the procedures and techniques of video production. Through practical workshops, supervised exercises, screenings and discussion, you will learn the technical practices and creative skills required to produce a video.
Introduction to Screenwriting
This module introduces students to the concepts and techniques employed in writing for television. You will develop an idea through to script stage suitable for television such as a single drama, soap opera, sitcom, children’s drama.
Year 2
Marketing, Advertising and PR communications
You will learn about the complementary and competing roles of Paid, Earned, Social and Owned (PESO) media - including advertising, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations – and how they can be successfully integrated to achieve specific objectives in marketing communications.
Practical PR, Strategy and Theory
You will build on the theoretical and practical foundation introduced at stage 1 to learn the key elements in the process of creating a PR strategy for a client or employing organisation.
Magazine Writing 1
You will develop your understanding of the principles and practices of print journalism acquired in year 1, and apply them to the field of feature writing and magazine journalism, both print and online. You will experiment with a range of feature writing techniques, learn the basics of sub-editing, proofreading, layout and digital magazine writing, and compile a portfolio of original work.
News Journalism 1
Refresh and refine the newswriting skills introduced at Level 1 and build on this foundation by experimenting with a wider range of journalistic styles appropriate for a number of platforms. You will also further your skills in using design software, and work in the newsroom to research and write your own articles.
In this module, you will work on the production of an independently written script for short film or radio drama. You will learn how to develop an idea through to treatment stage, and finally into a script suitable for short film or radio play. Genre, narrative structure, plot lines, character development and the writing of dialogue will be covered in the module.
Video Documentary Production
This module gives you the opportunity to expand and develop the basic video production skills you have acquired in year 1. Working in groups, you will devise, develop and deliver a 5-10 minute documentary production.
Year 3
Advanced PR
This module builds on the principles and practices of public relations developed at earlier levels. You will learn about the economic value of corporate reputation and goodwill along with the implications for corporate responsibility and community relations, developing their practical skills in a wide range of PR techniques, including speechwriting and acting as a spokesperson.
PR for Non-Commercial Organisations
This module builds on the principles and practices of public relations developed at earlier levels and apply them to a specialist area, non-commercial public relations. You will learn about the role of public relations in a wide range of non-commercial organisations including charities, central government, local councils and pressure groups.
Arts, Entertainment and Games Journalism
As a student you will be expected to produce a portfolio of articles that will allow them to follow the process of arts and entertainments writing through coverage of an arts event from preview to review. You will cover a wide range of arts and entertainment topics, including theatre, film, music, visual arts, books, and games.
Multiplatform News
This module allows you to build on skills and knowledge gained at second level and apply them to a portfolio of original work using a wider range of journalistic styles. The emphasis will be on a convergent approach to newsgathering whereby you combine traditional and digital methods of reporting.
Video Production 2
This module offers further specialisation in the documentary genre and production management skills and understanding gained in year 2. You will work in small groups to produce a 10min documentary and MUST take one of the following production roles; DIRECTOR, PRODUCER, SOUND, EDITOR and CAMERA and (or) LIGHTING.
Screenwriting for TV and Film 2
This module gives you the opportunity to expand and develop their screenwriting skills, which you acquired in year 2. The module will look specifically at adapting existing narratives, introducing you to a variety of forms and sources, which you will develop into your own narrative in screenplay form (up to 30 minutes).
MPU Modules
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation (Malaysian students)
This module explores Malaysia's ethics and civilisation, highlighting its historical evolution and the role of globalization and information technology in fostering national unity. It uses High Impact Education Practices to deepen understanding.
Malay Communication Language 2 (International Students)
This module equips you with essential Malay language skills for effective communication in everyday situations. It focuses on practical speaking, listening, reading, and writing, enabling you to confidently engage in conversations and enhance your cultural understanding.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
This module explores corruption concepts, including integrity, anti-corruption, corruption behavior, power abuse, and prevention methods. It uses experiential learning through individual and group activities, aiming to equip students with knowledge on integrity, corruption, anti-corruption, and power misuse prevention.
New Venture Creation
This module outlines a structured programme for entrepreneurs to start and grow sustainable businesses in the mainstream economy, allowing learners to tender for public and private sector opportunities.
Philosophy and Current Issues
This module explores the connection between philosophy and the National Philosophy of Education and Rukun Negara, focusing on epistemology, metaphysics, and ethics. It emphasises philosophy's role in promoting dialogue and fostering shared values, forming a comprehensive body of knowledge.
Community Service
This module explores community involvement projects, proposal preparation, and effective project characteristics. It uses interactive classes, group discussions, experiential learning, and volunteerism to teach values, ethics, leadership, teamwork, and social responsibility.
National Language A
(for students without a Credit in Bahasa Melayu SPM)
This module focuses on building proficiency in Bahasa Melayu, the national language of Malaysia. You will develop skills in reading, writing, speaking, and understanding the language, with an emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, and effective communication in various contexts.