BA (Hons) International Tourism & Hospitality Management

Year 1
Introduction to Management & Business
This module will introduce you to some of the fundamentals of business, including organisational structure and the nature of modern business practices. It will also provide opportunities for you to acquire a broad understanding of management by exploring the skills and characteristics of effective managers and leaders, and techniques to successfully manage a team.
Introduction to Business Finance & Accounting
This module will introduce you to the contemporary concepts and principles of accounting and finance by applying relevant management accounting, financial accounting and financial management techniques, to determine the most appropriate operational financial decisions, and analyse the effects of those decisions on a firm’s performance and financial position.
Business Communication Skills
This module's aim is for you to recognise the importance of effective integrated internal and external communications in building sustainable relationships and delivering customer value. You will also learn how to communicate effectively in a business and academic setting, understanding the fundamentals of presentation skills, written communication and professional communication.
Understanding Human Resource Management
This module provides a comprehensive understanding of the role of human resource management (HRM) in organisations, the types of organisation prevalent in the business world, the importance of human resource management, the role of HR practitioners and activities in organisations and the impact of technology on human resource management.
Marketing Essentials
In this module, you will learn about the different functions of marketing in the 21st century and will study how an appreciation of consumer behavior and the marketing environment can enable effective targeting and planning. By the end of this module, you will have gained an awareness of the various tools available to the modern day marketer, and be capable of recognising their strengths and weaknesses, enabling them to use them both creatively and effectively in an operational context including commercial and non-profit sector organisations.
Business Analytics
This module teaches you to develop a critical and practical understanding of the concepts and principles of analytics, and the ability to apply these concepts to the systematic analysis of data within the contemporary business world.
Year 2
Managing International Visitor Attractions
This module provides you with the opportunity to develop a comprehensive understanding of the development and management of global visitor attractions. You will be introduced to the range and diversity of natural and man-made attractions across the globe and will gain a deep understanding of the governance, marketing and operational issues of opening attractions.
Digital Business Strategy
Changes in digital technologies have disrupted entire industries and businesses have often struggled in this new world. Emerging technologies are having a profound impact on businesses as individuals and organisations embrace digital innovations. This module aims to equip you with the skills needed to build a digital competitive advantage in a rapidly changing world, and how to apply the rules of business to gain competitive advantage.
International Events Management
The purpose of this module is to provide you with a thorough and critical comprehension of international events management and the role of events specifically within tourism & hospitality and more broadly within contemporary society.
Agile Leadership
This module aims to develop a critical and practical understanding of the concepts and principles of agile leadership and the ability to apply these concepts within the contemporary business world, to create the right environment for agile teams to succeed within an organisation.
Managing Sustainable Planning and Development for HTE
This module aims to examine the contribution of hospitality, tourism and events to development goals, to introduce students to the components of sustainable planning and to critically assess the contribution of hospitality, tourism and events to broader sustainable development objectives.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation
This module aims to provide you with the opportunity to discover how ideas are developed, how entrepreneurship operates and an understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship theories within a business context. You will enhance your employment prospects and be equipped with traits of entrepreneurship and innovation, and taught how to express them.
Year 3
Global Food and Drink Tourism
This module aims to explore the increasingly important area of food and drink tourism for economic development and destination image formation on a global scale. You will examine the importance of food and drink products to the tourist experience and to destination success for those countries and regions closely associated with food and drink. You will also ,analyse the relationship between tourism and gastronomy and examine the direct and indirect advantages and disadvantages to local and regional communities associated with the development of gastronomic tourism and event initiatives.
Contemporary Issues in Hospitality Management
The aim of this module is to identify and analyse some of the key contemporary issues that are pertinent to the hospitality sector. The course content will focus on those issues that are deemed to be the most significant for this sector at the time of teaching. Each year three key issues will be explored on the module, one from each of the following themes: Technology, Global hotel brands, Country culture and Hospitality, Sustainability, Human Resources, New Trends in Hotel Design and Operational Management.
Strategic Marketing
You will build on marketing foundations studied previously and provide a staged approach to the nature of strategic marketing which contribute to the achievement of a competitive advantage You will also be introduced to the broader aspects of strategic marketing that reflect contemporary developments in advocacy and ethics.
Strategic Management
This module presents a systematic approach to the study of strategic management, building upon an array of ideas and theories ranging from industrial organisation theory to institutional economics. This unit outlines the fundamentals of strategic management and gives you an introduction in this important area of business management.
The aim of this module is for you to demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills gained during the undergraduate programme of study in all programme routes in an independent, self-motivated, enquiring and problem-solving manner. This serves to extend, underpin and enhance learning through the identification of a business/management problem in either business, accounting & finance, HTEM, HRM, Marketing and any other business related area which requires theoretical research, structured data collection, subsequent analysis leading to conclusions and recommendations.
MPU Modules
Philosophy & Current Issues
This module covers the relationship of philosophy with the Philosophy of National Education and the National Pillars. Major topics in philosophy namely epistemology, metaphysics and ethics are discussed in the context of current issues, and emphasis is given to philosophy as a basis for inter-cultural dialogue and fostering common values.
Appreciation of Ethics and Civilisation
This module is about ethical concepts from different civilisation perspectives. It aims to identify the systems, stages of development, advancement and nation culture in strengthening social unity. You will be able to relate ethics and civic-minded citizenship.
Integrity and Anti-Corruption
This module covers the basic concepts of corruption including the value of integrity, anti-corruption, forms of corruption, abuse of power in daily activities and organisations as well as ways to prevent corruption.
Malay Communication 2
You will be taught the basics of the Malay language to help in your daily communication. You will also learn to read, write, and understand simple sentences and paragraphs in Malay.
National Language A
This module helps you grasp the national language to effectively communicate, and express thoughts clearly and creatively through verbal and written communication.
Community Service Project
You will learn how to perform a community needs assessment, select a project, solidify financial and logistical plans, map the project, and detail the project plan so that you can implement a high-impact, well-managed community service initiative.
New Venture Creation
This module teaches you to identify market opportunities, develop business plans, and pitch your ideas to potential investors. This hands-on approach allows you to gain practical experience in launching a new business and understanding the challenges of entrepreneurship.